Thursday, 5 December 2013

Check this guy out fo' realm though.
I'd rather not say anything. Either you'll love tha' ,an or hate him.
Won't know 'till ya' try it though.

Dan deacon's use of old, mostly abandoned tele-technologies to enhance his spoken words an experimental works
 can be seen as a cutting-edge advancement into both the realms of obscurest poetry, and a creative use of such base
technologies as voice-filtration and distortion.

Deacon even uses his talents to produce more commercial work, such as his famous "Pink Batman" which has enjoyed
critical acclaim on such digital distribution methods as iTunes, Amazon Music, and the Rasphody Music streaming

service. This, too, can be seen as a way Deacon is leveraging modern production and distribution technologies to
enhance and market his work.

1 comment:

  1. Dan Deacons music is very interesting!
    Poetic in ways that it can be interpreted differently by diforent people! Its always a good thing to when listening to something makes you think. I'm sure a skilled artist could mold his music and create fantastic written materials! Its a lot easier to do so when the mood and tone can be heard through the sound waves. Like said before (on Francis' Blog I believe) Its interesting to see how people can interpret seemingly normal everyday things as poetry and art! If you look or listen for long enough eventually something of merit comes from it! (sometimes not but we don't talk about those times.)

    ~Totally raadical duude.~~

    *Throws up a peace sign and olies outtie
